Wheelabrator is a Air Title V Facility located at 93 River Street, Hudson Falls New York. This waste-to-energy fires municipal waste in two identical mass-burn refuse boilers that drive turbines to produce electricity. Dry scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators help remove acid gases and particulate matter from the exhaust stream. The Wheelabrator combustors are considered "large" as they are both able of firing more that 250 tons of municipal waste per day.
Federally and state regulated air pollutants from the facility include:
Federally and state regulated air pollutants from the facility include:
- formaldehyde (limit 0.762 pounds per hour),
- benzo(a)pyrene (limit 0.00085 lb/hr),
- carbon monoxide (limit 100 ppm),
- PCB (limit 0.000213 lb/hr),
- dioxin/furan (limit 35 nanograms per cubic meter),
- lead (limit 400 microgram per cubic meter),
- manganese (limit 0.03 lb/hr),
- mercury (limit 50 micrograms per cubic meter),
- nickel (limit 0.115 lbs/hr),
- arsenic (limit 0.00125 lbs/hr),
- barium (limit 0.005 lbs/hr),
- beryllium (limit 0.00000465 lbs/hr),
- cadmium (limit 35 micrograms micrograms per cubic meter),
- chromium (limit 0.002 lbs/hr),
- cobalt (limit 0.003 lbs/hr),
- copper (limit 0.0085 lbs/hr),
- vanadium (limit 0.000342 lbs/hr),
- zinc (limit 0.75 lbs.hr),
- sulfur dioxide (limit 29 parts per million by volume),
- hydrogen chloride (limit 29 part per million by volume),
- hydrogen fluoride (limit 0.04 lb/hr,
- sulfuric acid mist (limit 1.42 lb/hr),
- chromium VI (limit 0.002 lbs/hr),
- selenium (limit 0.001 lbs/hr),
- total particulates, particulate matter (<10 microns),
- oxides of nitrogen (limit 205 ppm),
- total VOC (limit 4.5lb/hr) and
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH limit 0.0085 lb/hr).https://extapps.dec.ny.gov/data/dar/afs/permits/553440000100016_r4_1.pdf